Finding the best trading strategy to help increase your profits is crucial. 

That’s why I want to walk you through how you can use global stocks to not only increase your profits, but lower your risk. I’ve also handpicked two stocks for you that thrive when global economies move. 

This is a standard procedure that most hedge fund managers use, and it could help you capture outsized gains… even when uncertainty hits Wall Street. 

The best part is you can buy or sell these stocks on U.S. exchanges. That means there’s no need to open a foreign trading account to potentially increase your profits

How to Use Global Stock to Increase Your Profits

FAANG stocks ahead of earnings increase your profits The U.S. stock market is starting to show short-term, overbought conditions, much like it did in late February 2020. 

We’re seeing signs of narrowing momentum because on Dec. 31, 88 stocks on the Nasdaq 100 were trading above their 50-day moving averages. 

Now that number is down to 70… 

However, the index is moving higher. In fact, it hit an all-time high on Monday, which is a negative sign that less stocks are pushing ahead while prices continue to increase. 

The markets are also fragmented, meaning they lack major players with enough influence to dominate and move the industry in a particular direction. The 11 major sectors in the S&P 500 (like Technology and Consumer Discretionary) no longer remain at the top. Financial, utility and energy stocks that never traded above last year’s highs are now taking over. 

And the number of stocks in the S&P 500 trading above their 200-day moving averages is now at an 11-year high, something we can’t ignore. 

While I’m not anticipating a bear market anytime soon, I do expect a mild correction that will bring the market back to neutral levels, allowing stocks to begin trading higher again. 

One of the best ways to increase your profits while we wait for that to happen is by trading stocks that are driven by global markets. 

Check out my video below and I’ll explain how the two stocks I’m giving away could help you increase your profits until the market has a chance to cool off. 

And if you haven’t already, subscribe to my YouTube channel and give this video a thumbs up. 


P.S. Last year, 10-time trading champion Chuck Hughes took a $4,600 starter account and turned it into $67,268

This same strategy gave Chuck’s readers the chance to go two decades without posting a single down year. 

It was clear to us that Chuck had managed to crack the stock market code — and we wanted to learn his secret. So I sat down with him for an exclusive interview and asked him to reveal his winning strategy…

And luckily, we got that conversation on tape. 

Click here to watch our conversation and discover Chuck’s wealth-building secret.