Folks, I have something extremely important to tell you…
I’m partnering up with Josh Martinez to bring you one of the most thrilling trading systems out there.
It’s all happening LIVE tomorrow at 12 p.m ET, so make sure you click on the button below to register.
Our strategy involves betting against the “dumb” money — or traders following outdated strategies that no longer function…
And it’s extremely lucrative. The trades have already made gains of 395%… 420%… and even 444% in a matter of weeks.
Today, I want to share a story about how this strategy originated…
Even though this is the first time we’re making the strategy available to the public, I first used it in the 1990’s…
I hope today’s video explained why what I’ll be showing you tomorrow is so powerful.
Truth is that most of the popular trading strategies you read about online are dead… the simple strategies you hear about might have once worked, but they’ve been crowded out by now.
Nobody knows this better than big institutional traders, and they’re actively trading against millions of retail traders following outdated strategies.
So, I’ve teaming up with Josh Martinez tomorrow at 12 p.m. ET to show you an easy, reliable way to detect when Wall Street moves against the “dumb” money.