REITs are a great way for investors and traders to start investing their money in the stock market…
The market-beating returns and dividend payouts they deliver are attractive. But just like stocks, there are a few REITs to avoid that you need to know about.
Since the reports coming out of the REIT sector haven’t been too positive lately, let’s talk about the two REITs to avoid, sell or liquidate right now…
2 REITS to Avoid, Sell or Liquidate Right Now

Head Trader Roger Scott
According to Pew Research Center, a nonpartisan group that informs the public about issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world, four in 10 U.S. drug related arrests in 2018 were mostly for marijuana offenses. And most of those crimes were possession related.
Imagine that…
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that most criminal reform advocates have blasted how law enforcement and the judicial system processes marijuana related charges.
This trend is likely to continue as Oregon takes ground-breaking steps to decriminalize small possession of drugs charges. (And I’m not just talking about marijunana here.)
But keep in mind, the state of Oregon was one of the first to legalize medical marijuana in 1998 and recreational adult-use in 2014.
The entire country is now taking notice, and I’m expecting several other states to follow suit…
Simply put, it doesn’t appear that potential jail time is causing people to stop abusing drugs. The evidence is actually to the contrary, and means private prison systems might be in for big vacancies over the next few years.
And with the rise in COVID-19 cases resulting in shorter jail sentences, early release and home confinement instead of spending time in jail, it’s a good chance my short list of REITs to avoid will continue trending lower for some time.
In fact, the short list of REITs in today’s video is a real “short list” because these stocks are meant to be sold, shorted or faded.
Check out my video on which REITs to avoid, sell or liquidate and then be sure to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
P.S. Folks, you’re not going to want to miss this one…
I just pulled back the curtain on my algorithmic trading strategy that leaves traditional stock picking in the dust.
I call it “STORM,” and its technology mimics the billion-dollar algorithms Wall Street uses to send stocks skyrocketing in a matter of hours… or plummeting to their death.
But the best part?
I’m able to do it with just a few lines of code.
Ready to see how? Just click here to learn how it works.