Most people don’t know this…

But after every election, a few select stocks shoot higher — sometimes by double or even triple digits. And investors who know what these stocks are can expect huge payouts in no time flat.

That’s why it’s so important for investors to find the right trading approach, especially in times like these, in order for them to be able to maximize their profits.

Wall Street expert Adam Sarhan joined WPTV this week to show traders like you how you could profit from one of the most successful trading philosophies he’s ever seen…

You see, there are two schools of thought on the market: Fundamental analysis and technical analysis. And if those two approaches were enough, then everybody would be making money and there would be nothing for investors to worry about.

But it’s not enough, and Adam thinks it’s time for that to change…

So he developed a third school of thought and he’s here today to reveal it to you, for free.